What do you do?
Are you an artisan looking for year-round community with artisans of many talents who sell their work in a brick and mortar store which also has an online presence? Consider Clever Hand Gallery. We not only sell our work, but have fun as a team learning new ways to put our crafts out into the world. Details below.
Membership and Consignment Information
The Clever Hand Gallery is proud to show only the work of New England artists and craftspeople. Members and consignees must live in the New England states.
Application Process
The Clever Hand Gallery is always looking for talented, creative people.
The membership juries new work on the last Monday of each month except for November and December. Please note that the deadline for jury submissions is 10 days prior to the meeting.
We judge all submissions on originality, workmanship, and appeal to our customers, as well as similarity to current work in the gallery. We do not accept work that is factory-made or built from a kit. Please submit original work with your application. We cannot accept photos. You may use the contact form below to determine if your work is of potential interest to us.
Below are links to both the Jury Information Sheet and the Jury Application Form.
Membership Agreement
As owners of a cooperative business, Clever Hand members are part of a community of artisans. Members work in the gallery, help with daily operations, and participate in all decision-making.
Share in corporation: $195.00. This may be paid in six monthly installments.
Commission: members pay a 32% commission on sales up to $10,000/calendar year, and 15% on sales over $10,000/calendar year..
Work obligation: three to four 5-hour shifts per month; more during December.
Monthly meetings: regular attendance at membership meetings, held every month except December, is expected.
Committees: members are required to serve on a committee, such as publicity or display, or hold an office.
Members agree to stay in the cooperative for a full year.
The Clever Hand accepts work on consignment. Consignors pay a 50% commission on sales, and are not actively involved in running the business. The application process is the same as for membership.
Contact us for more information
Top photo: Ann Schunior at work in her studio. Bottom photo: Jackie Mosher demonstrates bead crochet.